songs for soprano and piano
texts by the composer
composed 2012
composed for and premiered by soprano Ann Moss (San Francisco, California)
Composer’s Note
As a child growing up in the 80s, it was often very difficult to come to terms with my identity. I was a nerd. That meant I was shunned by my peers, pursued obscure and often obtuse hobbies that few others understood, and spent much of my childhood on my own. Being a nerd was simply not accepted during this period of time. So, as a teenager I worked to hide this identity as much as possible - in effect living a double-life between pursuing nerdy hobbies at home and conveying (quite poorly) a "cooler" exterior to my peers. I am thus quite fortunate that, in recent years, being a nerd is not the stigma that it was once. As a result, I have been able to not only accept my identity as a nerd - but fully embrace it. Make no mistake - Nerd Songs is a labor of love, representing everything that I enjoyed as a child, now brought forth with pride.
Each song within the cycle directly references subjects that are near-and-dear to my geeky soul. Classic role-playing games, Super Mario Bros., the BASIC computer language, Star Trek, and a small list of 80s television shows each serve as the inspiration of both the text and the music for each piece. These topics also happen to be passionate pursuits of mine - hobbies and interests that I indulged in as a child and teenager, and continue to pursue even today.
I. Guk’s Lament
Tragedy! Ill fate!
How could this happen?
Where did I go wrong?
The plan was perfect!
Immaculate. Unassailable.
My plus five demonic battle-axe of cleaving in my hands,
I was invincible.
But luck was cruel.
I rolled a ONE.
The goblin archer rolled a TWENTY.
I collapsed, my dwarven honor was crushed.
My days as a warrior done,
I will spend the rest of my years drinking mead,
Warning young adventures of the perils of
Goblin Arrows.
II. Wrong Castle
Is it true? Am I saved?
My loyal servant tells me so!
My hero has slain my captor –
MARIO comes for me!
Oh wonder, oh rapture!
I knew he would triumph!
No mushrooms, nor turtles, could
Stop his victory charge!
I think I hear him now!
He approaches my door!
It opens! And – what’s that now?
He went to the wrong castle???
III. Hello World
TWENTY. Print A-String.
FORTY. Let A-String equal “L O Space.”
FIFTY. Print “H E L.”
SEVENTY. Print B-String “L D.”
NINETY. Let B-String equal “W O R.”
IV. Red Shirt
This was fate.
My destiny is complete.
I die knowing I played my part.
I am thankful that, as my vision fades,
The last thing I will see is
My beloved red shirt,
Torn asunder from my chest,
Ripped to pieces by
A Klingon’s pet Targ.
V. Raised in the 80s
In my childhood…
I believed in “turtle power,”
A plan always came together,
Raising a sword gave you the power,
Knowing was half the battle,
and there always was more than meets the eye.
Now with a child of my own…
“Turtle power” sadly does not exist,
A plan is hardly foolproof,
Raising a sword will get you arrested,
Knowing is definitely half the battle, if not more,
And while there may be more than meets the eye,
You may not want to know.